Jayarava - Bricolage

I'm calling my Project/Object "bricolage" these days - working with whatever happens to be at hand. Still working on my conceptual continuity...


Monday, December 05, 2005

Bricolage is passe already

Damn! Wouldn't you know it. I thought about moving this blog to a new url to reflect the new title, but bricolage.blogspot.com is taken. Don't bother looking, it's crap. Then I had a hunt around and bricolage, despite being my new word of the day, is already old hat in the polyhedrical world of the internet. I don't even rate in the Google top ten for "polyhedrical". Although I am still the only Jayarava, and Mahaabaala is still unique. Which is something I suppose.

While I've been off sick with a lousy cold I've been adding my blogs (is three blogs too many?) to lots of directories and stuff to try to get noticed - story of my life but you don't want to know that. Still it's good to have a few interesting little bits and pieces. I'd never have time to do this unless I was too sick to think about more important things.

FWBO News is almost in the top ten for Googling "FWBO" and I'd like to get it a bit higher to edge out some of those 'other' sites that I'm not even going to mention. I'm starting to think that it may be worth getting FWBO People it's own url because it doesn't appear on the radar yet. Although a search for "FWBO People" does find it, it ain't #1. Could it be that Google is prejudiced against Yahoo's Geocities? Wouldn't surprise me.

Oh... btw if you had any fun at all on this site, please consider clicking on an ad or two so that I get some money. Thanks.


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