Jayarava - Bricolage

I'm calling my Project/Object "bricolage" these days - working with whatever happens to be at hand. Still working on my conceptual continuity...


Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Soy Consumption Could Help Prevent Prostate Cancer And Male Pattern Baldness

Soy Consumption Could Help Prevent Prostate Cancer And Male Pattern Baldness. SciDaily
This may balance out the phyto-oestrogen causing us to grow breasts! :-)

Wired News: Maybe the Music's Just Lousy?

Maybe the Music's Just Lousy? Research finds that file sharing has minimal impact on record sales. Wired

Monday, March 29, 2004

Ajahn Ariyesako (UK, Theravada) disrobes. BNN


Good BBC interview with Karen Armstrong, erstwhile Nun. She has very interesting things to say about the nature of faith! BBC

Turning the Tide

Noam Chomsky has a blog. Get your radical politics on a stick here

Friday, March 26, 2004

YETI SPORTS by chris hilgert ## powered by edelweiss medienwerkst.at

Yet another Yeti sports game - better than no.2! YETI SPORTS

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Persinger and the New Brain Sciences of Neurotheology and Magnetic Neurotechnology.

Another website with stuff about neurology and spiritual experiences. Links to articles on the "God spot". Spirituality and the brain

Economist.com | Spiritual neurology

Neurology of spiritual experiences. Economist.com

ScienceDaily News Release: Human Studies Show Feasibility Of Brain-machine Interfaces

Neuromancer here we come! Soon we'll all be jacking in! ScienceDaily

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Wired 12.04: The 2004 Wired Rave Awards

Oh my god, I don't believe it! NZ is in Wired twice today. Peter Jackson wins the 2004 Wired Rave Award for film. Wired

Wired News: Kissing a Mirror to Find a Frog

New Zealand made it into Wired! OK it is a story about frogs, but how often does NZ get into Wired? Wired

HumanDescent -> Gallery

David found this really good site in which someone, who is pretty good at Photoshop, speculates about alternative evolutionary routes... HumanDescent

the Degree Confluence Project

This is a fascinating little venture - visit all the places on the earth (on land) where whole numbers of degrees of lattitude and longitude cross, (eg Auckland is close to 36' S 175' E, and Cleveland, OH is close to 82' W 41'N) and take a photgraph. You can contribute. the Degree Confluence Project

Greenwood's Map of London 1827 Index Page

Greenwood's Map of London 1827 - the year William Blake died.Index Page
Actually I found it a bit difficult to find my way around, so maybe things have changed. But still a cool app.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Maton�Guitars - Australia - Acoustics: 325

Trivia for today. Here is my guitar, which I love. Maton don't have an outlet in the UK unfortunately. Would like to own a 12 string as well one day, and maybe one of their jumbos... well I can dream. Maton Guitars

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Buddhist texts - Wikipedia

My new longish Wikipedia article on Buddhist texts - compiled from various sources. Still needs a Vajrayana section if anyone is interested. Wikipedia

Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Create your own Southpark character - flash. Southpark

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Economist.com | Evolution

Women and longevity. Economist.com

Friday, March 12, 2004

Second Thoughts (washingtonpost.com)

Spacy article about space and time and space-time. washingtonpost.com

Thursday, March 11, 2004

LEGO - Wikipedia

Featured article on the Wikipedia today. Everything you ever wanted to know about Lego. Wikipedia

:: Xinhuanet - English ::

Jet Li to give up making movies and take up studying Buddhism. Xinhuanet

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

The Register

NetSky author signs off. The Register
Apparently the author has left a little message in the code saying version K will be the last. I just want to leave a little message of my own in the extremely unlikely event that the crazy fucked up guy ever reads this, I hate you. What an arsehole you must be..... regular viewers (both of you) please do not adjust your set, normal transmission will resume shortly (whatever that means).
Buddhism: The new religion of choice for 30-somethings. Sunday Herald via

New Scientist

Are they mental? Apparently. Britain gives go-ahead for first GM cropNew Scientist

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

CNN.com - New Zealand's Neil Finn: 'I'm a lifer' - Mar. 4, 2004

CNN interview with Neil Finn - thanks Ann. CNN.com

Monday, March 08, 2004

Davezilla.com Come for the clean humor, stay for the filthy comments

Time - things just change without you realising it. And of course on Friday when I blogged Davezilla it was obvious what I was referring to (ie build your own Iggy Pop). But today it is something completely different. The Iggy thing is still there, but you have to scroll a bit to find it. Makes you think doesn't it... Davezilla.com

Friday, March 05, 2004

Davezilla.com Come for the clean humor, stay for the filthy comments

Double Choccy often points out things of interest on Davezilla, and this time I just had to lauuuuugh... I saw the photo graaaaaaaph.... (I'm heavily into Sgt Peppers at the moment). Davezilla.com
PS Don't scroll down if you're easily offended.

Wired News

Wired has an animation of the APOD image showing the cloud burst.
People seem to think it resembles Von Gogh's Starry Night

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Beautiful Astronomy Picture of the Day today. APOD

Thursday, March 04, 2004

The Chronicle: 3/5/2004: Men, Empathy, and Autism

Longish article on Simon Baron-Cohen of Cambridge Uni and his (rather unPC) theories on Autism. The Chronicle

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

BBC - Radio 4 - All In the Mind - Webchat

Listened to this last night. Very good prog on mental health. The presenter goes inside a max secuirty Psychiatric institution (Broadmoor) and talks to staff and patients. BBC - Radio 4 - All In the Mind

Google Search: Buddhism OR buddha OR dhamma OR buddhists

Another way to find Buddhist 'news' on the net. Google

Buddhism personals - DharmaDate.com

Dating sites are the new black - this one is for Buddhists... wonder if they cover the UK. Only one way to find out! DharmaDate.com
However only the first 6 months are free - after that you pay. But is it right-livelihood?

Buddhist News Network - All The News on Buddhism [Established by UKMBA]

I look at this site occasionally - todays's in quite interesting... monks running for (secular) office in Sri Lanka. Buddhist News Network

Monday, March 01, 2004

I've been wondering... if I blog my blog... will I go blind?

Gallery Browser

Cool QT movies of things...ahh that's not a terribly good description is it... just look at this... it's great. Gallery Browser
I know... it's like shooting food, only not so violent.

New Zealand News - Entertainment - The Return of the King rules them all

Peter Jackson is King! NZ Herald, BBC, The Guardian, The Indepent