Jayarava - Bricolage

I'm calling my Project/Object "bricolage" these days - working with whatever happens to be at hand. Still working on my conceptual continuity...


Saturday, December 10, 2005

New Stuff

The observant amongst you (and I use this term loosely - 'you' that is) will have noticed a lot of new gimicky things added to the sidebar to try and generate a bit more traffic, and to link my blogs and other websites into a self-referential network. It's all very well being a blogger and an author, but one needs an audience, and so I'm going in search of one. Mainly through The Jayarava Rave - this is an example of shameless self quoting in order to fool Google that I'm more popular than I really am. But it's not all just hype, because I think the essays on that site are good. I've been trawling for FWBO News... if I start writing comments on my own blogs, someone please stop me! Reminds me I haven't put the paypal donate money button on any of these sites yet...


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