Jayarava - Bricolage

I'm calling my Project/Object "bricolage" these days - working with whatever happens to be at hand. Still working on my conceptual continuity...


Saturday, December 24, 2005

Stumbled Upon

I just stumbled upon Stumble Upon which is a kind of social networking site. I have my own profile there which includes a kind of auto-blog (I'm enjoying coining new blog words!). As I stumble upon a new website I rate it good or bad, and Stumble Upon keeps track of my preferences. Social Networking is one way to deal with the enormous amount of information available on the internet. The logic is that people like me will like stuff like me. I can find people who like the same sort of stuff as me by joining social networking sites and making my preferences known.

Note that Stumble Upon requires you to download and install their tool bar in order to participate.


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