Getting your blog noticed
I've been spending a lot of time trying to make my blogs more sticky and more noticable lately. Have become obsessed by Google ratings which I've been tracking on Digital Point's Keyword Tracker. BlogPulse have an interesting app that analyses searches for specific keywords, and back links and creates graphs so you can see trends. Not sure of the technology behind it. Have just added my three blogs. It actually takes hours of plugging away to make sure that any particular website is visible on the web.
At 3:07 pm GMT,
Unknown said…
There was a Buddhist blogs discussion last May, with many folks of the opinion that there is something gouche about promoting one's blog. But I'm with you! I think that 'getting the word out' is a good thing and being aware of your readers is worthwhile.
I wasn't aware of the Digital Point tool. Thanks for that info.
I would add that Technorati has an authority rating that uses backlinks to gauge the oomph of blogs. [ ] I think it is useful to know when your blog is being mentioned; this encourages conversations amongst blogs & bloggers.
-- Tom of Blogmandu
At 3:19 pm GMT,
Kelvin said…
Kia Ora (hello) from a krazy blogger down under in New Zealand. I aren't obsessed by anything. I just blog to express myself, not to impress others. Looking at profile views - you started Feb.03 & have 32 profile views. I started Black Friday 13th May 05 and have 5535 profile views and people say 13 is unlucky. You have a great blog. I'll be back.....
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